Miscellaneous wanderings that might hold your attention for about 10 seconds or so...

Stuff about me...
The Summit Church
We belong to the The Summit Church in Kernersville, NC and we absolutely love it!  Since moving to North Carolina, The Summit has become our church home, and we are getting more and more involved in all the cool stuff going on there.  Love God, and love people!
This is the site that I created and maintain for my high school graduating class, Park View High School Class of 1991.  I was Class President our Senior year, so I've been blessed with the responsibility to plan reunions and whatnot from now to eternity.  Lucky me.
VeriSign, Inc.
VeriSign is a former employer of mine.  You may not have heard of them, but if you have ever completed a transaction or purchase online, chances are pretty good that you have used VeriSign products and/or services.
Clan MacNaughton
This is a cool page listing some information about my Scottish roots, Clan MacNaughton.  You can see a larger picture of my clan badge here.
New Life Christian Church
New Life Christian Church is the church that my wife Pam and I went to when we lived in Virginia.  It's a great church, but there aren't as many rubber chickens as originally advertised.

Information Security Links
The following links are a collection of worthwhile Information Security resources that I have found to be quite useful in my work as an information security professional.
Information Systems Security Association
The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) is a not-for-profit international organization of information security professionals and practitioners.
I'm a member of the National Capital chapter of the ISSA.  Click here for the ISSA-DC web page.
Security Focus is widely considered one of the best sources of security information on the 'Net.
Another excellent resource for security news and tools.
A "Security Portal" for information system security professionals
ICAT Metabase
A search engine for security vulnerabilities that draws on information databases from several security companies and organizations.
Mail Abuse Prevention System
Not-for-profit California organization whose mission is to defend the Internet's e-mail system from abuse by spammers.
For anyone who has felt intimidated during a discussion with a networking geek like me, here is a handy guide to all of those cryptic acronyms that we use!

Other Cool Stuff
Links to some cool stuff that I have stumbled across during the course of my travels.
Britney knows lasers.
(No comment necessary)
Gallery of CSS Descramblers
A gallery of LEGAL postings of the DeCSS DVD descrambling program, by Dr. David S. Touretzky, a professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
The Shmoo Group
The Shmoo Group is a group of security, system, and network professionals dedicated to the preservation of security, cryptography, and privacy on the Internet.  The site is hosted by a friend of mine named (ironically) Bruce Potter.
Nmap Security Scanner
Arguably the most popular security scanning tool in use today: Nmap, by Fyodor.

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